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Make your campus board with...

Amigos. A set of two items to train edges and slopers

CYCLOPS. one-finger pocket, two-finger pocket, sloper, pinch

climbing training holds

17 e

climbing training holds
climbing training holds

20 e

climbing training holds

Cresentmoon,super-slim difficult hangboard

26 e

climbing holds

CAMPUS RUNGS. A set of 20 round tendon friendly rungs. One set(10) of 21mm and one of 28mm rungs

35 e

Dragonballs. Strenghthen your grip by hanging on those two balls. 

The bug. A set of two portable items to train even away from home. Big edge, crimp. sloper,jug.pinch. they come with the 6mm ropes 

climbing training holds

23 e

climbing training holds

25 e

climbing training holds

35 e

THALIS. Full hangboard with a big variety of handholds

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